Hide and Seek

  Hide, hide, hidden.

  Where did you go?(1)

  Too long,too dark,a deep.(2)

  A piece of sunshine

  cought my chest.

  Like a smiled and unduly colorful flower,

  who is in my body?(3)



  When will you say no?

  So warm,so excellent,a hope.

  Don't wanna let you cry,

  all kinds of laws can be accepted.

  Like a strong and weak ruler,

  why makes me moody?


  Rem(5)appears suddenly,

  She smiles smoothly.

  Your shadow in her face can be seen clearly.

  Where did you go?(6)

  Tiny Snow

  April 30th, 2018


  • (1):英文歌曲《Where did You Go》-fort minor 首句歌词。为使前后呼应及一二节对应诗句押韵采用。

  • (2):形容词具体化,不为语法错误(自认为)。但此处具体化不仅只是“一个深的东西或者事情”的简单表意,有其深层含义。

  • (3):日本动漫《东京喰种》第一季片头曲《unravel》首句歌词的作者自译句子。为使思想情感更深刻采用。可结合歌曲的思想感情体会此处的感情。

  • (4):自造词,意为:含着泪的微笑。

  • (5):日本动漫《Re:从零开始的异世界生活》女配角雷姆官方英译。雷姆因其小时候内疚所导致的心理阴影自认为自己的时间停止了流动。直到男主角菜月昴将她拯救,重新拨动她的时间。此后雷姆一直视菜月昴为她的救赎,报答感恩之情。也因此成为菜月昴一度陷入崩溃之境的心灵支柱。

  • (6):同(1)。为使表意双关,此处也更倾向于歌曲第二句歌词的委婉说法。